Abortion in the United State of America. Much has been written about abortion in this country. All kinds of pros and cons from both sides of the issue. It seems to me the main debate, discussions or arguments that we should have regarding abortion is at what point in the development of a human being do we consider abortion murder? According to all 50 states, murder is a violation of the law. It seems contradictory to arrest, prosecute and punish people for murder in one circumstance and ignore it in another. For example if a pregnant woman gets fatally assaulted are both she and the unborn child considered murdered? In some case yes and in other cases no. It seems to me to be a large contradiction to consider killing of a pregnant woman a double homicide but not aborting a live fetus by a doctor. So to me what should be the main focus of the abortion issue is do we consider it the same as murdering a born human being?
Scott Peterson (in Northern California) found guilty of first degree murder for killing his wife Laci who was eight months pregnant and second degree murder for the unborn child. Peterson was convicted under this fetal homicide law: So if Laci Peterson had decided to have an abortion, it would not have been a crime. Several states have passed laws protecting the unborn fetus under certain circumstances. This is a link regarding laws in the several states: https://ballotpedia.org/Abortion_regulations_by_state
The federal government passed a law protecting fetuses but excluded abortion. The unborn victims of violence act of 2004.This is a link to the law: https://www.congress.gov/108/plaws/publ212/PLAW-108publ212.pdf. Below is an excerpt from the law: ‘(c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the prosecution—
‘‘(1) of any person for conduct relating to an abortion for
which the consent of the pregnant woman, or a person author-
ized by law to act on her behalf, has been obtained or for
which such consent is implied by law
So the question, if you believe that abortion is murder, then when during the pregnancy does the abortion become murder. What I mean is looking at pregnancy from 0 to 9 months, at what point in the development of the fetus do you consider the abortion murder or do you? Turns out to be a fairly complicated issue doesn’t it.
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